Vision and Mission


COMMEET’s vision is to accelerate regional sustainable development through empowering local communities.


COMMEET is a Fellowship of global volunteers with diverse skills sets in sustainable development.

  • Believing in helping people to help themselves, we are frontrunners in using a unique quadruple helix approach: a community initiates and advances its own development, assisted by government, business and education.
  • We create access to examples of Good Practice to inspire local communities.
  • We develop toolkits which empower communities to find solutions to their individual problems concerning sustainable development.
  • We provide coaching.

Good practices

'Making the invisible visible'

Sigfried Janzing | country expert | Bangladesh

COMMEET enables me to develop my skills and knowledge while helping communities in developing countries toward empowerment and learning.

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'Unique vision on entrepreneurship'

Katrin Kohl | German Commission for UNESCO | Germany

COMMEET´s promotion of entrepreneurial thinking in communities as an overarching vision of seeing opportunity and fostering innovation contributes to the SDGs in a unique way

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'Yes we can!'

Ron Zwamborn | Programme manager Shared Service Center Zuid-Limburg | The Netherlands

I trust in our ability to make our world a better place. All I have to do is to put my energy to good use, and what better cause than that of COMMEET.

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