ANBI Information and Annual Reports

Below is data necessary for national and international acknowledgements. Here you can find ANBI information, our annual report 2022, and the financial report for 2023. The annual report 2023 will soon be made available here.


The Foundation CBTVET/NGO COMMEET’s RSIN number is 8501.38.802. The Postal Address is, in conformity with its statutes: JHCM Hermans, Jodenstraat 27, 6166 CG Geleen, The Netherlands. Mail address: or Board members do not receive any remuneration for their work. The only payments are for covering travel costs and other expenditures; there is an annual verification for these compensations.

The Board consists of the following people:

Mr Jos Hermans, Chair
Mr Peter Ramakers, Co-chair, treasurer
Mr Maarten Schrevel, Secretary


Toolkit Development

  • During 2022, COMMEET fellows worked hard on putting the Toolkit for Migrants and Displaced Persons into practice in Malaysia and in Bangladesh. The Toolkit turned out to be valuable for committees in both countries trying to achieve a better integration for Rohingya refugees.
  • The Toolkit for better TVET/Entrepreneurship Education was completed and is now in its finetuning stage. What the Toolkit still needs before its launch is editing, the addition of a set of Good Practices and an attractive design. The Toolkit will be brought under the attention of communities, to help them keep their regions liveable, by offering possible paths towards sustainable livelihoods.
  • The Toolkit for Climate Action, developed in collaboration with the Schumacher Institute in Bristol (UK) was finished in December 2022 and has become a prime example of how Sustainable Development can be achieved. Like the “TVET Toolkit”, this document also needed some finetuning before it was launched early in 2023, but it already became clear that there was a huge interest in this Toolkit from various regions in the world.

Two more Toolkits have been taken in production:

  • The Addressing Racism Toolkit
  • The Toolkit for the Protection of Vulnerable Women and Children.

 These Toolkits will be finalised during 2023. We plan to publish them before the end of the year.

Start Good Practices team

In 2022, a team of five Fellows was formed to initiate a broad discussion on the systematic composition of a database of Good Practices. These role models in the field of Community Empowerment are indispensable for enriching Toolkits, inspiring community groups worldwide and as learning moments for others. At the end of the year the format for the selection of Good Practices was finished; it will soon be available on our website under Good Practices. This format will be used by the team members to identify new Good Practices as of 2023.

Activities in Bangladesh

In 2020 COMMEET signed an Academic Collaboration Agreement with North South University Dhaka and the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture of the University of Amsterdam, on the topic of the Rohingya displaced community. Research started in 2022, with the involvement of research fellows Dr Shahidul Haque and Drs Sigfried Janzing, and supervised by Professors Charles Jeurgens (UvA) and Tawfique Haque (NSU / SIPG).

One of our Fellows, Philip Gain, started to explore a project of TVET Community Empowerment for tea workers, together with the Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD) in Bangladesh.

PREMIUM project Maastricht University

Maastricht University supports COMMEET by the yearly selection of a team of five excellent master’s degree students to carry out a research assignment provided by our Fellowship. The assignment we had in mind for 2022 was to investigate how COMMEET had best develop towards a Social Enterprise. Much to our regret the university did not find students sufficiently interested in such a research project. But there was a lot of interest in the new assignment that we proposed for 2023: “The development of a Networking Policy for COMMEET”.

This project aims at advising the Fellowship on how to find the right partners, identify opportunities for collaboration, etc. We have been happy to start working with the new students’ team in January 2023.


In 2022 the Statutes of the COMMEET foundation were adapted, in accordance with the Dutch WBTR.



General Information
The COMMEET Foundation or COMMEET Fellowship aims to facilitate and stimulate regionally based community empowerment. The Foundation tries to reach this aim by establishing an information centre, by spreading relevant information and knowledge and by stimulating new developments for regionally relevant education. The Foundation also aims to engage in all the activities that can help it to achieve it aims. The Foundation was established on 19 April 2017 and is listed in the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 51713284. The financial reports have been drawn up according to the rules mentioned below in this annual account. In 2023 the Board of the Foundation CBTVET / NGO Commeet consisted of J.H.C.M. Hermans, chair, M. Schrevel, secretary and P. Ramakers, co-chair and treasurer.

General Principles for drawing up the annual account
The annual account has been drawn up on the basis of the historic opening balance. The assets and liabilities are valued against their nominal values, unless mentioned otherwise. This is based primarily on keeping accounts according to the principles of the cash accounting scheme. At the period closure corrections will be made for any possible accrued assets and liabilities.

Principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities
Cash and cash equivalents are valued against their nominal value.
Debts are valued against their nominal value, unless determined otherwise. With regard to debts owed to group companies and other related organisations affiliated to the Foundation, agreements have been made that such debts only need to be paid when the liquidity position of the Foundation allows.
Principles for determining the result The result is determined as the difference between the net turnover and the costs and other liabilities during the accounting period, with due regard to the above principles of valuation. Profits are recognized in the year the goods have been delivered or the services have been provided. Losses originating in the financial year are accounted for as soon as they are foreseen.

Balance 2023

Balance sheet 2023

Assets and Liabilities





Bank account  € 1,149 € 7,946
Reimbursable VAT  €   420
 € 1,569  € 7,946




Equity € 1,569.42 € 7,946
€ 1,569.42 € 7,946


Profit and loss statement 2023
Costs Income
Donations  –
Bank costs   €    239
Costs web hosting   €    409
   Costs Toolkits   € 3,500
General costs   €    228
Promotion   € 2,000
  € 6,376
Negative Result – € 6,376


Good practices

'Making the invisible visible'

Sigfried Janzing | country expert | Bangladesh

COMMEET enables me to develop my skills and knowledge while helping communities in developing countries toward empowerment and learning.

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'Transformation is ongoing, talents are mind-blowing'

Ali Bukar Ahmad | Vice President RCE Kano | Kano - Nigeria

Things had to change in our region. We saw opportunities, but we did not know how to start. The method of COMMEET helped us. And look where we are now. Nowadays organisations approach us to participate.

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'Unique vision on entrepreneurship'

Katrin Kohl | German Commission for UNESCO | Germany

COMMEET´s promotion of entrepreneurial thinking in communities as an overarching vision of seeing opportunity and fostering innovation contributes to the SDGs in a unique way

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